

When I decided to live a healthier life, I knew I needed a mental transformation first. There had to be a desire to choose healthier foods and to increase my physical activity. When I finally made the decision to “change my ways”, everything else (eating more fruits and vegetables, less fried and fatty foods, increasing my intake of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats (avocado, canola and olive oil, nuts, and increasing physical activity) became the right thing to do.

We all can change our status, and I have found that no lasting change will occur, unless we have the desire to change. We will make time instead of complain about how we do not have the time to exercise. We will buy and use the equipment we need to use, instead of complaining that the weather is not conducive to our change. We will make our health a priority, instead of complaining that we never have the time or money to change.

We will do what we need to do to accomplish the change we want to take place.


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