Second Thoughts led me back to my first thought

Second Thoughts

How many times have you ever thought about which action to take the next day…you know….. how you wanted the next day to go, and when that day came, you had second thoughts and decided to do something else? Were you able to come back to your senses before it was too late and followed your first thought or plan of action?
Today went so much smoother because I decided against rushing to go to events. I picked one event to go to and took my time to get there. I spent a bit more time with TLC for me today instead of trying to get several activities done in a small window of time.

I am so glad I decided to clear my mind and think about what would be the best plan of action. My day went a lot smoother, and it was a true win-win for all. I kept my word to do something, my children learned some new information, and I learned about a new educational program geared towards helping children succeed in school. If I had chosen a different scenario, we may have missed the event and the information shared.

Some things I try to remember when making decisions are:

1. Mood-What mood am I in while trying to decide? I was acting like my old self trying to get so much done in a small window of time.
2. Information-How well informed am I about your choices? Do I have enought time to complete the activity?
3. Intention-Why do I want to do what I want to do? I have to remind myself that it is not about the number of activities I can complete; it’s about the quality of the experience. What promises have a I made to myself or others>
4. Resources-What resources do I have or need to help me make my decision.
5. End result- Am I aiming for a Win-win? Who will benefit from my decision/actions?

Having second thoughts led me back to my original thought.

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