In your current stage of life, what do you need to learn and/ or what lesson do you keep repeating? 

At every stage in our life, we have lessons to learn. Once lessons are learned, we receive these spiritual gifts to help us move on to the next stage (confidence, vision, compassion, etc.). What lesson are you needing to learn? 
1. Advocating for yourself such as getting out of an abusive or negative relationship,
2. Taking care of your body such as resting your body more, eating healthier and leading a more active lifestyle,
3. Accepting that you are beautiful just the way you are,
4. Taking action and not waiting on others such as trusting the ideas given to you and go for it.

We are to evolve to our highest self. You are here for reasons. No one has the right or authority to tell you that you are a mistake, or that you do not belong here. Your birth is reason enough that you have divine purpose.

Heal within & live your life. One day at a time.


2 Comments on “In your current stage of life, what do you need to learn and/ or what lesson do you keep repeating? ”

  1. “We are to evolve to our highest self…” This sentence struck something in me, and I remember reading a book called “Soul Stories” by Gary Zukav that made me connect it with that sentence. It talks a lot about how we are to strive towards our ‘Advanced Soul,’ something like that. I think it might interest you, if you ever want to check out the book.


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