Seriousness: You have a right to life…a right to be here.



Your body is your body, and no one has the right to violate who you are in actions or words. You have the right just like anyone else to enjoy your life and pursue your dreams. You have the right to explore who you are–your gifts and talents without others telling you who you are and fitting into their mold of who they want you to be.

There is power in the word “No” and standing your ground. In fact, many people will respect you when they see that you respect yourself. I know that people should respect us regardless. However, we cannot wait on others to give us what we deserve and is our birthright.

We teach others how to treat us. What actions or words from someone else have offended you? Check first to see if, at some point, you gave the other person the right (verbally or nonverbal ) to treat you this or that way. If so, it is time for a change. Be true to yourself. You are magnificently designed for a reason, and I do not believe it was to be belittled or used for someone else’s punching bag or used in any other negative way.

Let us not wait for others to respect us. Let us show others what respect is. Our children are watching. Our neighbors are watching. Our communities are watching. Our nation is watching. Most importantly you are watching–every day you look in the mirror or see your reflection. You have the power to change. It is not too late to say NO. It is not too late to “take your life back”.

We show our children how to treat others through our actions and words. Children model what they see and hear.

We teach our young boys to respect young girls.

We teach our girls to respect themselves and to expect respect from others.

In the long run, if children are involved, your children may respect you for having the courage to say no and stand up for your right to live.

It may be tough in the beginning. It is not so much about the number of parents in the home. It is more about the quality of parenting.

I am grateful my mother said No….and Yes to her life and raising her children.

You are not alone. Check your local and national resources for support.

Center Against Domestic Violence

The National Domestic Violence Hotline


Heal within,


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