Lesson 8: Don’t just be sorry..

If you are truly sorry for your behavior, then you will try not to do it anymore…whether it is:

1. Calling someone outside of his or her name….
2. Raising your voice at someone
3. Being late for an event that is important to someone else
4. Forgetting a birthday or anniversary and no known decrease in mental function
5. Turning in your homework past the deadline
6. Saying you were going to do something and you did not
7. Missing a scheduled call to discuss something
8. Hitting someone 
9. Returning something you borrowed at a much later date or not at all
10. Lying

Mother held us accountable when we would apologize for our behavior. “Try your best not to do it again” is what our mother would say. Saying you are sorry should mean something. Words meant something, but your actions meant more.


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