Guilt-free 2020

achievement confident free freedom

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I do not have to be sad.

I do not have to hold on to anger, disappointment, and rage.

I do not have to get sick.

I do not have to treat my children like I was treated as a child.

I do not have to get a chronic preventable health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or any others.

I do not have to do things that are against what I believe and know to be true.

I do not have to regret my past behaviors.

I do not have to wait on others to agree with me or support me in my dreams.

I do not have to feel bad that I have not exercised this year.

I do not have to feel bad that I have a high school diploma.

I do not have to feel bad that I did not graduate from high school.

I do not have to take rejections personally.

I do not need to be like my friends or parents.

I do not need to know everything to help my children to be their best.

I do not need to project my emotions and feelings onto others.

I do not need to have a certain lifestyle to live each day to the fullest.

I do not have to give into my fears.

I do not need the attention of others to feel like I belong.

I do not have to punish myself or self-sabotage my dreams or goals.

I do not have to excessively drink, eat, or exercise, use profanity, hurt, or belittle someone to feel good about myself.

I do not have to be in a relationship that does not honor who I am.

I do not have to be a chef to cook a hearty healthy meal for my children.

I do not have to lower my standards.

I do not have judge myself or others.

I do not have to be busy to feel important.

I do not have to subscribe to every newsletter or email on health and fitness.

I do not have to listen or watch things that do not honor my body, mind, and spirit.

I do not have to hide who I am and what I really like.

I do not have to give anything that I do not want to give.

I do not have to hide my natural gifts and talents for fear that I will be criticized, laughed at, or seen as not cool.

I do not have to be anything I do not want to be.  This is my life, and the choice is mine. I have everything I need to be who I need to be.

To Your Best Health & Life & Happy New Year!




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