
I never judged a song by the color of a singer’s skin, culture, or even by the clothes he or she wore.

If the song/ lyrics, whether Blues, Country, R&B, rap, etc spoke to my spirit, it became my favorite song. The gift to sing, to speak to the soul and spirit of others is a wonderful and awe-inspiring gift. It is not about the messenger; it’s about the message. Tim Mgraw’s song “Live like you were […]

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Too many times the outward approval of others becomes the goal of our actions instead of being true to ourselves. When we seek the approval of others, we are saying that we are not good enough, and that we need others to validate our worth. My mother would remind us that when you do something for another person, do not stay stuck there waiting on applauses, awards, or anything else. Do it and keep moving.

When we do things from the heart, we are not concerned about another’s reaction, even so much as a “thank you”. Our intentions are in alignment with a higher power and not for show or approval. Our satisfaction comes from the ability to give instead of receiving. Thank you Mom! Heal within Timika

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Folly: let go of the pain, there is very little to gain.

Folly “Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you. However, if it taught you to hold onto grudges, seek revenge, not forgive or show compassion, to categorize people as good or bad, to distrust and be guarded with your feelings then you didn’t learn a thing. God doesn’t bring […]

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