

Our thoughts set the stage. How we feel about ourselves will be evident in how we act & speak toward ourselves and others. We must assess and analyze daily our fears, doubts, disappointments, myths, as well as those things that we are grateful for. How can we trust ourselves if we do not know who […]

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How can we?

How can we say we trust others or the world, when we do not trust ourselves and our journey? If we were made by the same creator, what makes another person superior to who you are? Are we not giving ourselves the credit that we deserve? Are we not capable of living our best life, […]

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You belong here….

Your life has meaning. You belong here, and you always have. Do not ever question your existence. Your past is your past. You can use your experiences to strengthen who you want to be. You are who you are. No one really cannot deny your place here on earth, because your life is your birthright. […]

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