Freedom Fridays: Aren’t You Worth Them?

Hi there,

This podcast shares some background information on why I started Freedom Fridays. Refuse to spend any part of your weekend or the rest of today ruminating on what someone did, didn’t do, said, or didn’t say. You are worth the energy, money, and time to experience happiness, joy, freedom, and love. Check out today’s podcast on Create a Generational Love Cycle, Freedom Fridays: Aren’t You Worth Them?, and let me know your thoughts.

When we experience true freedom, it is because we truly know who we are. Each day is an opportunity to master our emotions and feelings so that our light shines.

Make this lifetime great because you still can!


NCLEX RN Candidates Myth #5: I Will Just Use My NCLEX Results to Focus My Studying

Hi there!

I’ve had several clients who minimized their studying to just following their NCLEX results. Remember that your results are from a select group of questions. You may have had eight questions on Pharm, and your next exam may have only one question.

Don’t be caught studying one aspect of the NCLEX and not the other. Please download the latest version of the test plan @

You got this!

Make this lifetime great because you still can!


The Seeds We Plant Series #24: God is Not in a Building. He is in Your Heart.

Hi there,

Happy New Year to you and yours!

It’s a new year and an opportunity to change your thoughts and life. Even more today, our children must know their lives have meaning and purpose. Bullying and abuse in any form do not negate their worth. But if we are not grounded in life-giving principles, how can we help our children to do the same? So, I’m continuing with The Seeds We Plant Series this year, discussing the life-giving principles I gained from my mother. 

In today’s episode of The Seeds We Plant: God Is Not In a Building, I share the importance of seeking and maintaining a relationship with our Source. Religion never takes the place of a relationship. And our children often model what we do. 

Here are five things my husband and I have done and continue to do to help our children form a relationship with the Source. 

  1. We’ve taken our children to church services and occasionally attend church, but haven’t made a church the primary way our children know our Source.
  2. We strive for daily devotion. We just finished Devotional and Journal:365 Days to Understanding, Releasing and Maximizing Your Potential by Dr. Myles Monroe for the 2nd time. In the past, we’ve read As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peal, and The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. My husband reads from the Quran occasionally. We will now read Understanding Your Potential by Dr. Myles Monroe and plan to finish the year with two books, Releasing and Maximizing Your Potential by Dr. Myles Monroe. 
  3. We incorporate various resources (books, etc.) to hear the truth differently.
  4. We institute gratitude and prayer daily (before meals, events, loved ones, friends, and the world).
  5. My husband and I share our experiences with our children and how God has helped us. 
  6. We encourage our children to speak and follow their intuition (Infinite Intelligence speaking to them).
  7. We encourage our children to question, speak to, and listen to this Infinite Intelligence and share their experiences. 

Since my children’s birth, I’ve been sharing my mother’s life principles with them. I’ve witnessed how our children healthily interpret experiences and are less likely to take things personally. We are all a work in progress and continue to grow spiritually, individually, and as a family.

How are you raising a spiritually-intuned mind?

The Seeds We Plant Series: God Is Not In a Building by Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika…
In The Seeds We Plant Series: God Is Not In a Building, I encourage you to know our Creator for yourself. Too often, we…

Heal from the Inside Out Series #9: Dismantle Fear Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika S Chambers

In my Heal from the Inside Out Series #9, I discuss my thoughts about fear and how you can dismantle this emotion and see it for what it is. You have the right to remember who you are and experience the abundant life (in all areas) that you are here to do. I continue to work through potentially fearful moments and help my children do the same. Both have experienced fear, and it was great seeing them transcend the moment. I envision millions owning, nourishing, and expressing their divine purpose and spiritual fruits (Galatians 5:22-23). People realize their bodies are the vehicles for their earthly mission and commit to achieving and maintaining optimal health.   In addition, millions of people heal from their wounds, breaking the generational cycle of pain with a generational Love cycle. In addition, sign up for my newsletter, Notes on Life: Empowering You to Be You.
  1. Heal from the Inside Out Series #9: Dismantle Fear
  2. The Seeds We Plant Series #38: Personal Responsibility
  3. Heal from the Inside Out Series #8: Weed Out Anger
  4. Heal from the Inside Out Series #7: Replace Self-rejection with Self-acceptance
  5. The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health

As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!
