A Message for this Week: Return to Your Default Settings

Hi there!

We come to earth with default settings. Children are often closer to God and know why they are here. We can return to our child-like states of acceptance, curiosity, love, joy, understanding, and the like.

We Co-create from our beliefs. What thoughts are you carrying into this week…this lifetime? Who and what have you allowed to grow inside you?

You are the cultivator… the gardener of your inner garden. All of us have the life-giving and life-destroying power of thought. The tongue is one way we release this power out into the world. Ground yourself in the truth that is in your heart and mind.

Resist chronic emotions and thoughts that can destroy you from the inside out. 

Received empowering messages several times a week via Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimikaSChambers. Like and share. My messages are on bullying prevention, breaking the cycle of pain, children’s health, healing paths, healthy family, parenting, transforming trauma, breaking the cycle of pain creating a generational cycle of love, consciousness, mindset, healing, health, life, lifestyle, freedom, and more. 

Also, join me on Fulfill Your Divine Purpose Facebook for more discussion/posts on the above topics.

Make this lifetime great because you still can!


The Seeds We Plant Series #25: Give from the Heart and Expect Nothing in Return

Hi there,

We would avoid a lot of anxiety, anger, disappointments, frustration, guilt, shame, violence, vengeance, and the like if we gave and expected nothing in return. The heart is the center of our actions; to preserve it, we must not allow strings of destruction to attach to it, for out of the heart flows the issues of life (acceptance, forgiveness, joy, and homicidal and suicidal thoughts). When we give from the heart, we open ourselves to Infinite Intelligence.

Be grateful for experiences that unveil emotions and feelings, unlike your true self. Be grateful for the opportunities to speak with your children about giving. For what you teach, you ground the principles within yourselves.

Listen to this week’s episode of The Seeds We Plant Series #25: Give from the Heart and Expect Nothing in Return.

Heal from the Inside Out Series #8: Weed Out Anger Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika S Chambers

If we are truly our thoughts, what is the use of uncontrolled, consistent anger? Anger often leads to unhealthy events within ourselves and the world. We don't have to be angry human beings. We can align with the divine spirit of who we are. The quieter we become, the more we feel and see that which does not belong. Become part of the spiritual movement of Remembering Who You Are. Sign up for my newsletter, Notes on Life, Empowering You to Be You here https://mailchi.mp/fe2da5c9163a/seven-spiritual-truths
  1. Heal from the Inside Out Series #8: Weed Out Anger
  2. Heal from the Inside Out Series #7: Replace Self-rejection with Self-acceptance
  3. The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health
  4. The Seeds We Plant Series #36: Listening to Your Body and Healthy Eating
  5. Healing from the Inside Out Series #5: Tradition

Every day, we have opportunities to give to others without expecting anything in return. 

  1. We can set an extra door mat outside our apartment building/homes so that people can dust off their feet without expecting them to do so. In other words, we don’t get upset because they choose not to use the mat.
  2. We can take a few minutes and listen to our children without commenting or telling them how to feel.
  3. We can open the door for someone without expecting them to do the same.
  4. We can tell our children that we love them without expecting them to say it back to us.
  5. We can purchase a gift for our loved ones without expecting them to do the same.
  6. We can give promotions and raises without expecting our employees to do us favors (told and untold).
  7. We can share helpful information without charging a fee or praising us for the information we share.
  8. We can cook without expecting our significant other to help us cook, wash dishes, or take us out to dinner.
  9. As parents, we can let our children live their lives without expecting them to follow in our footsteps or accomplish our unsuccessful dreams.
  10. We can praise our children and others when they give from the heart without expectations without expecting them to do so.                                       As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!                                          Timika

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a Reminder of the Overall Message

Hi there,

I hope you and yours are well. In this video, I share what Dr. Martin Luther King means to me.

Thank you for watching, and let me know your thoughts.

As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!
