Can we change someone’s destiny including our own?

Or, are our actions or inaction part of a predetermined fate? Or do we just mind our own business and let things be what they are especially if individuals are resistant to change and say “it is going to happen anyway?” Why try so hard to help others? Others may ask what is the point? Can we change:

1. A person from having a massive stroke by following our intuition to call a person in which the conversation may have gone into detail about the symptoms the person may have been having? Have you ever gotten a feeling to call someone, but decided not to and made excuses why you should not?
2. A person from being diagnosed with diabetes by encouraging and informing he or she of healthy eating habits by being honest with him or her of known risk factors such as family history, inactivity, and obesity? Or do we just lie to the person, because we do not want to hurt their feelings?
3. A person from losing a limb because his or her blood sugars are out of control, and the signs are there…blackened toes, loss of circulation…etc.
4. A person from joining a gang and getting killed one day by another gang
5. A house from burning down due to electricity issues, and you knew that something was not right.
6. A person from selling drugs and eventually being severely hurt, killed, or jailed because you had a dream or even this gut feeling that eventually this was going to happen?
7. A person from having a severe asthma attack and dying in his or her house because we know without the proper equipment, how can he or she properly take care of themselves or that we lack protocols in place to make sure they get the proper teaching?
8. A person from committing suicide as we watch them get bullied by someone else because we are afraid…afraid of retaliation, looking uncool, or others?
9. A person from picking up our bad traits (familial traits) because it just runs in the family and “it is in your blood.” In your gut, you know it is wrong, but so what….Misery likes company, right?

We are all in this journey together. Is it the distractions..pride, jealousy, prejudices, hate, fear, anger, becoming defensive, that can lead us off the wrong path and continue to separate this human race? This intuition or gut feeling is our connection to something bigger…whether you call it God, Universe, Muhammad, or something else. Instead of focusing on something different in all of us, or that I will only focus on my life, focus on our similarities which is the connection to something bigger.

I am just asking……..
Until next time

Timika Chambers
Author “A mother’s words of wisdom. From my heart to yours. Building within.”

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