
<a href="">Border</a>


I was on the border, and I am making my way to the center of me-of what truly makes me happy, and how I want to live my life for the next years I am blessed with.

Are you on the border of following your dreams and still holding down a job that is just working for you and your family?  Yes…the job pays your bills, but what about that dream or desire you have to be your own boss, a particular postion at the company you work for,  and to develop and nurture the gifts and talents you have been blessed with?  Do you hope to be a great singer someday? An artist for a cartoon network? Own your own traveling agency?

What gifts or talents have you been blessed with and have not taken the time to develop/nurture them?  How can you serve others with your special gifts/talents?  If you take the necessary time to develop and nurture your specific gifts/talents, could this be how you are supposed to make a successful living? Could this be the path to making a living on your own terms?

After pumping myself with positive thoughts and  words and visualizing my future, today is the first Friday after our drive back from Illinois, which was a much-needed vacation.  I had time to clear my mind yesterday as my children rode with my husband for a portion of the 7-hour drive back to Ohio.  I thought about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and in preparation for my children to start school next year -pending that they go to private school, public school, or homeschool, I need to organize and plan personal time, career time,  and family time.    I want to not just be available when our children are home from school or during the early afternoon.  I want to be present–to help them with their homework, to attend baseball practice, dance recitals, and so much more.   I want to enjoy life to the fullest!  I believe that we have been given certain gifts and talents by our Creator so that we may enjoy life and serve each other with our gifts and talents.  I do believe that how we make a living can be enjoyable and not time-consuming, leaving much time for personal time and time with family and friends.

I have a few writing projects that I have been slowly working on for the past 4-5 years, and today, first Friday of October 2016, I made time for one of the projects and plan to finish by my set deadlines.   I figure if I do not push forward with my goals, then when will I?  If I continue to slowly work on the projects with no set deadlines or continue to push the deadlines to another date, when do I plan to finish my projects?  If I do not consistently try to embrace and develop my gifts and talents, when will I?

So, I take the first Friday of the month of October 2016, and I am pushing forward to an inner calling to educate, empower, and inspire others through written and spoken words.  I want to use the wisdom within to direct my steps.  I want to pursue this journey of knowing who I am and serving others the best way I can.

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