Remember Who You Are Series #15: Advocate Instead of Suffocate

Hi there!

Many stigmas still surround speaking up or advocating for yourself. Some people fear speaking up for themselves for fear of punishment (losing their job, people not liking them or being ostracized, being called a tattletale or other names, or being yelled out or physically punished). There are healthy ways of expressing ourselves, but when we imprison others to believe their emotions, feelings, and words don’t matter, some look for other means to express themselves. Unfortunately, we’ve seen it in teenage suicide, homicides, and violence in many forms. Abuse and neglect of others continue because they are told they will be punished, or someone they love will be punished if they speak the truth.

Speaking your truth builds confidence and self-esteem and encourages you to be more of your true self. When we release things that are hurting us in a healthy way, we enable healing and the child within us to express itself in wonderful ways. I’ve learned that we often gain respect when we stand firm in our beliefs, act from purified intentions, and express unwavering honesty.

We must listen with our hearts and put our pride aside. We must hear beyond the words and act earnestly to address concerns to prevent many of the preventable issues we have in the world.

How are you speaking up for yourself? How do you advocate for those you love so they don’t need external bandages to cover their pain? Remember, with learning, there is no guilt. We strive to improve each day, aligning with our divine spirit.

Listen to Remember Who You Are Series #15: Advocate Instead of Suffocate, on Create A Generational Love Cycle.

Heal from the Inside Out Series #9: Dismantle Fear Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika S Chambers

In my Heal from the Inside Out Series #9, I discuss my thoughts about fear and how you can dismantle this emotion and see it for what it is. You have the right to remember who you are and experience the abundant life (in all areas) that you are here to do. I continue to work through potentially fearful moments and help my children do the same. Both have experienced fear, and it was great seeing them transcend the moment. I envision millions owning, nourishing, and expressing their divine purpose and spiritual fruits (Galatians 5:22-23). People realize their bodies are the vehicles for their earthly mission and commit to achieving and maintaining optimal health.   In addition, millions of people heal from their wounds, breaking the generational cycle of pain with a generational Love cycle. In addition, sign up for my newsletter, Notes on Life: Empowering You to Be You.
  1. Heal from the Inside Out Series #9: Dismantle Fear
  2. The Seeds We Plant Series #38: Personal Responsibility
  3. Heal from the Inside Out Series #8: Weed Out Anger
  4. Heal from the Inside Out Series #7: Replace Self-rejection with Self-acceptance
  5. The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health

Remember Who You Are Series #15: Advocate Instead of Suffocate by Create A Generational Love Cycle…
Many stigmas still surround speaking up or advocating for yourself. Some people fear speaking up for themselves for…

As always, make this lifetime great!


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