Candle: It may only light part of your way

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step -Martin Luther King Jr Waterloo, Ontario Submitted: Chalkthoughts

A candle may only light your first step.  Continue to believe that things will work out for your good as you pursue your journey to personal growth.  We may not see what is ahead of us, and many people who have accomplished their dreams, their calling ( Florence Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie,  Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, Napoleon Hill, Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield,  and many, many, many others listed in history books and those who have not been listed in history books), had their doubts, their naysayers, and moments of darkness.

Many of those individuals listed above had just a small flicker of faith to dream, to persevere, and to put in the hard work necessary to make their dreams come true.  They followed their lit candle and without seeing the whole picture or even understanding their calling, they continued on.

Trust yourself and believe you are on your journey for a reason.  The only person who may believe in you along your path may be you.  It’s not about others. It is about you and what’s in your heart…..your calling!  Some people may need to see results before they  believe in someone or something.  You, on the other hand, have faith, and faith is not about being able to see the results first.  Believing in yourself may just be the lit candle that you need to persevere  through your life’s journey.


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