The Seeds We Plant Series #33: Forgiveness and Introspection

Hi there!

I hope all is well with you and yours! In everything we do, we are to gain understanding (Proverbs 4:5–9). The understanding must come from first an inward look at oneself. If forgiveness isn’t possible, it’s important to ask ourselves why. The why is not only because of what someone did, didn’t do, said, or didn’t say but also because of how we feel inside. When we feel that we can’t forgive, we must ask, “Why won’t I forgive instead of saying I can’t forgive. Within us is the ability to see the truth, including the hearts of individuals. Within us is the power to forgive. Often, the more insight we have about another’s actions or inactions, the more we understand that the projection of pain is often not about us but their unhealed wounds.

Forgiveness is not about excusing others’ actions. We are here to reflect the truth of our creation. Love is the essence of who we are, and with love, we can forgive. We don’t have to look outside ourselves but call on the divine power within us. Love sees the truth in the situation and seeks the truth within us. For example, some people do not know how to heal themselves, and unfortunately, sometimes, we intentionally and unintentionally project our pain on others. We sometimes hurt others out of a need to be heard, seen, or receive validation and an apology. 

Through forgiveness, we stay on the path of truth. We know that anything that affects us, our inner harmony, occurs on the inside first. Forgiveness is truly about us—remembering that no experiences define us and that life events help us evolve to our higher selves. We cannot control how others respond to our anger, disappointment, frustration, and other emotions and feelings.

Each of us has to come to a perspective that suits us. I do know that anger, anxiety, grudges, and the like are life-draining. These emotions and feelings often contribute to and enable emotional, mental, social, and spiritual turmoil and waste our precious energy, money, and time. 

No matter the other’s actions, I am still responsible for myself. I refuse to be in poor health because of what someone else did or didn’t do, said, or didn’t say. I deserve better than that. Don’t you? My children deserve better, as well! And the best way I can communicate forgiveness is by forgiving. 

And eventually, I will reach the level where forgiveness isn’t necessary.

Please listen to today’s podcast, The Seeds We Plant Series #33: Forgiveness and Introspection, and let me know your thoughts.

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As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!


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