The Seeds We Plant Series #32: Return Energy to its Rightful Owner

Hi there!

Regarding projected pain, it is better to give back than receive. Your soil becomes more fertile as you experience emotions and feelings, including anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, and the like. The energy we receive from another person reinforces how we feel, instilling the seeds deep within the core of our being. When your emotions and feelings go to another level (e.g., blaming, badgering yourself and others in thoughts and words, and unwelcomed or unhealthy physical contact), you reinforce this harmful, often debilitating, and ricocheting energy and weeds within you.

We can return angry, hateful, divisive, and demoralizing actions and words to their rightful owner and encourage our children to do the same. As caregivers and parents, we are not around our children 24/7. But we can help our children develop a firm foundation so that no matter how the winds of storms blow, they remain firmly grounded or have the tools to replant themselves.

Listen to The Seeds We Plant Series #32: Energy Work: Returning the Energy Back to Its Rightful Owner, and share your thoughts. Energy Work is becoming conscious of your internal state, clearing away the things that do not bring a fruitful, wonderful harvest, and becoming more of yourself with the right nutrients.

The Seeds We Plant Series #32: Energy Work: Return Energy to Its Rightful Owner by Creating A…
Regarding projected pain, it is better to give back than receive. When you experience anger, jealousy, shame, guilt…

Heal from the Inside Out Series #7: Replace Self-rejection with Self-acceptance Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika S Chambers

There are enough experiences that can leave you doubting and questioning your life's meaning and purpose. But a change of thought can help you accept yourself and others, and it's through self-acceptance that we remember the divine spirit that we are. In addition, here is the link to sign up for Notes on Life: Empowering You to Be You. As always, make this lifetime great because you still can! Timika
  1. Heal from the Inside Out Series #7: Replace Self-rejection with Self-acceptance
  2. The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health
  3. The Seeds We Plant Series #36: Listening to Your Body and Healthy Eating
  4. Healing from the Inside Out Series #5: Tradition
  5. The Seeds We Plant Series #35: Be Your Best Friend First

Please also share this episode and podcast with anyone who may benefit from them and subscribe to my weekly messages, Notes on Life.

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As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!


Timika S Chambers
Remember Who You

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