Remember Who You Are Series #2: The Power of Your Thoughts

Hi there!

We can’t undo the past but can choose our perception of life events. You were put here on earth for reasons, and being the object of someone’s else pain is not one of them. You are more than an experience; you have everything you need to transcend events in your lives. You have a powerful mind linked with the Infinite Intelligence that created the world and beyond. 

Whatever you are going through, know that the solution lies within you. The answer may not be what you want, but it will be what you need to move forward and do the work you are here to do in the most freeing way.

Here is my second podcast on Remember Who You Are series on Create A Generational Love Cycle. As always, let me know your thoughts.

Remember Who You Are Series #2: The Power of Your Thoughts by Create A Generational Love Cycle With…
We can’t undo the past but can choose our perception of life events. You were put here on earth for reasons, and being…

The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health Create A Generational Love Cycle With Timika S Chambers

In this episode, I share my story about a planted seed that influenced my health. When I realized that I didn't need to struggle with a certain aspect of my health, my life changed for the better and so now I am helping my children to address health in a life-sustaining way. I share questions you can ask yourself to help break the generational cycle of pain of how we think about disease and illness. In addition, here is the link to sign up for my newsletter, Notes on Life: Empowering You to Be You! As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!
  1. The Seeds We Plant Series #37: You Don't Have to Struggle with Your Health
  2. The Seeds We Plant Series #36: Listening to Your Body and Healthy Eating
  3. Healing from the Inside Out Series #5: Tradition
  4. The Seeds We Plant Series #35: Be Your Best Friend First
  5. Healing from the Inside Out Series #5: Trust Yourself

Make this lifetime great because you still can!


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